Thursday 27 November 2014

Cyclic Meditation

SMET Stress Management For Excessive / Executive Tension


1. IRT ( Instant Relaxation Techniques )

  • Lie down flat on your back
  • Bring your legs together; join the heels and toes together and place the palms by the side of the thighs.
  • Start tightening from the toes.
  • Tighten the ankle joints and calf muscles.
  • Pull up the knee caps.
  • Tighten the thigh muscles.
  • Tighten the buttocks.
  • Breathe out and pull the abdomen inside.
  • Make fists and tighten the arms.
  • Inhale and expand the chest.
  • Tighten the shoulders, neck muscles and the facial muscles.
  • Tighten the whole body from the toes to the head for sometime.
  • Relax the whole body instantaneously.
  • Legs and arms go apart with the open palms facing the roof.
  • Relax the whole body.


Stand straight on your mat with legs together. Inhale and slowly raise your heels and hands together above your head and stretch upwards.
Maintain the pose and release with exhalation slowly.


Stand straight with legs together and hands by the side.Inhale and slowly raise your right hand and bend towards left slowly with exhalation.Concentrate on your right side and feel the slowly comeback to the center,do the same from left side and feel the stretch on right side.


Stand with your legs together hands by the sides of the body.Inhale and raise your right hand slowly above your head and bend towards left from sideways while exhalation. Inhale and come to center and do from other side.  


Stand straight with your feet together,hands by the side.Inhale and slowly raise your hands above your head and bend a little.Exhale and bend forward slowly to reach your ankle and head touching your knees.maintain and feel the stretch on your back.inhale and return.


Stand with your legs apart and hands on your waist.inhale and while exhalation bend backwards. feel the stretch on your abdomen.inhale and return slowly

7. QRT (Quick Relaxation Techniques )

  • Lie flat on your back in shavasana i.e corpse pose.
  • Look for the abdominal movements.observe the movements of abdominal muscles moving up and down as you for the five cycles.
  • Synchronize the abdominal movements with deep breathing. The abdomen goes up with inhalation and comes down with exhalation .Do five cycles.
  • Energize the body and feel the lightness, as you inhale deeply and slowly. During exhalation completely collapse all the muscles, release the tension and enjoy the relaxation.Do five cycles.
  • Chant “A- kara” in a low pitch while exhaling . Feel the vibrations in the lower parts of the body.
  • Slowly and gradually come up from either the right or the left side of the body.


Sit with your legs stretched in front.inhale and bend your right leg from knee and keep it under your right do the same with the left leg.sit for 1-2 mins and feel the stretch on your calves.release the pose and relax.


Sit with your legs stretched, now slowly bend your both knees & keep them under your buttocks. inhale and slowly raise our hands. arch back little. exhale and slowly bend forward, touch ground with your forehead. maintain the pose for a while. inhale and slowly return to the normal position.


Sit straight with your leg stretch,slowly bend your right  leg from knee and keep it under right thigh, do the same with left leg.stand on your knee, inhale and raise your hands,slowly bend little backward with exhalation and hands on the waist. maintain the pose for a while and release slowly and return to basic pose.

11. DRT ( Deep Relaxation Techniques )

  • Lie down flat in shavasana.
  • Be comfortable and relax completely.
  • Bring your awareness to the tip of the toes, gently move your toes and relax. Slowly and subsequently relax the soles, ankle joints, calf muscles, gently pull up the knee caps, release and relax, relax thighs muscles, buttock muscles, hip joints, pelvic region and the waist region. Relax your lower part of the body completely.Chant A-Kara and feel the vibrations on your lower body. 

  • Gently bring your awareness to the abdominal region and observe the abdominal movements for sometime, relax your abdominal muscles and relax the chest muscles.
  • Bring your awareness to your lower back, relax your lower back and loosen all the vertebral joints. Relax the muscles and nerves around the vertibras. Relax.Relax your back and shoulder completely.
  • Shift your awareness to the tips of the fingers, gently move them a little and sensitize . Relax your fingers one by one. Relax your palms , loosen the wrist joints , relax the forearms , loosen the elbow joints, relax your arm and relax your shoulders.
  • Shift your awareness to your neck , slowly turn your head  to the right and left , again bring back to the center. Relax the muscles and nerves of the neck
  • Relax your middle part of the body, totally relax .
  • Chant U-Kara and feel the vibrations in the middle part of the body.

  • Gently bring your awareness to your head region. Relax slowly and subsequently chin, lower jaw, upper jaw, lower gums, upper gums, lower and upper teeth and tongue.
  • Gently deviate your awareness to your lips , relax lower and upper lip.
  • Shift your awareness to your nose, observe nostrils and perceive the warm air touching the walls of the nostrils while exhaling out and feel the cool air touching the walls of the nostrils as you inhale. Do it for sometime and then relax.Relax cheek muscles and keep smile on your face.
  • Relax eye balls muscles, feel the heaviness of eyeballs , relax your eye lids, eye brows and in between the eyebrows.  Relax your forehead, temple muscles, ears, the sides of the head , back of the head and crown of the head. Relax your head region , totally relax. Chant M-Kara and feel the vibrations in your head region.
  • Observe your whole body from toes to head and relax , chant an AUM in a single breath. Feel the vibrations throughout the body.
  • Slowly come out of the body consciousness and visualize your body lying on the ground completely relaxed.
Gently move your whole body a little . Feel the lightness, alertness and movement of energy throughout the body. Slowly bring your legs together and the hands by the side of the body. Turn over to the left or the right side  and come up when you are ready.

12.  Prayer ( Shanti Mantra )

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