Friday 5 December 2014


Source: Flower nectar extracted by honeybees.

Variety:  Variety differs depending upon nectar of flower.

Color:  Colorless to dark brown.

Flavor:  Mild to distinctively bold ( Sweet ).

Forms:   1. Comb Honey
               2. Cut-Comb Honey
               3. Liquid Honey

Composition:  Composed of glucose and fructose, contain minerals like sodium,potassium, sulphur, magnesium, phosphate, iron and chlorine. vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and vit. c depending on nectar of flower. PH of honey is 3.9 ranges from 3.4 to 6.1.


Natural Sweetener :  Honey can be used in substitute of sugar, as it is natural sweetener.

Natural Energy Source : Honey contains glucose and fructose and carbohydrate instant energy to body and is useful for athletes.

Skin & Hair  Moisturizer : Honey is humectant which retains water and help hydrating skin and hair, providing lusture to them. also good for dry and clasp lips.

Relieves respiratory disorders : Its expectorant, soothing and demulcent property helps in relieving cough from body and is best remedy for cough and cold, sore throat,etc.

Anti Cancerous : Flavonoids and antioxidants present in honey prevents cancer cell to develop as it removes free radicals.

Anti Fungal & Anti Bacterial : Honey contains several phytochemicals ( from nectar abstracted from flower) which kills bacteria, fungus and virus.

Anti Inflammatory : Its antiseptic property fights against bacteria and virus, also it is immune booster and help reducing inflammation in the cells, growth of new cells and repairs damaged cells.

Eliminates allergies : On applying locally it helps in reducing allergies. also it cleanses blood and regulates blood functionaries and alleviates allergy. 

Wound Healer & Antiseptic : Its anti inflammatory property helps in healing wound on local application.honey draws fluid and nutrients to the wounded area and helps in healing faster.

Anti Acne : Honey cleanses blood and antibacterial property helps in removing acne by killing acne bacteria.

Releases Hangover  

Helps Losing Weight : By increasing metabolism honey causes more fat burn when taken with hot water.

Reduces Ulcers & GI Disorders : Honey when diluted in water helps in stomachache.also its alkaline ph helps in reducing acid effect on stomach lining.

Immune Booster : Regular intake of honey improves blood profile and enhances immunity.

Prevent Heart Diseases & atherosclerosis : Honey contains flavonoids and antioxidents which prevent depositing of fat in arteries.